Friday, April 30, 2010

Vision 100's Leadership Stretch

Vision 100 Resources is a network of leaders from various denominations committed to working together for the spread of the Gospel in Tasmania through church planting. We've made a good start, but there is a need for 'leadership stretch' if we are going to break through our current limited impact (Lord willing).

We need leaders to break through the inhibiting forces (evils) that are stopping us from effectively serving our Lord & King, so that his Kingdom will come in power in Tasmania. There is an urgent need for courage to address the following:
(1) The lack of praying together
(2) The subtle power of denominational competitiveness
(3) A growing independence in the network
(4) The lack of a 'Pauline team' biblical model of leadership
(5) The limited flexibility in function and pay of existing & new leaders
(6) The loss of urgency for one-to-one discipleship of all members

These challenges need prayerful, thoughtful and bold responses. The solutions are likely to result in some opposition from the denominations. Only a living, responsive faith in the Ascended Christ, persistent pleading prayer, and a preparedness to sacrifice comfort will enable us to make the break-throughs necessary. May God help us.